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Stitchmarker set - Hands Across the World

Stitchmarker set - Hands Across the World
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Stitchmarker set - Hands Across the WorldStitchmarker set - Hands Across the World
Our price: £3.00

A neatly packaged collection of themed stitch markers, reflecting my love of hands and all that they signify. I try to include one marker with a large ring to fit thicker needles, two for finer needles and a clasp fitting on the fourth marker. These make a lovely gift to a maker friend across the seas, or to self, of course.

Pack: 4 stitch markers

Composition: Metals

Designs may vary but there are always one lobster claw clasp and three ring markers in a pack.


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The only calm space in my workroom is the windowsill. 
I am packed and ready to lead a week at @abbotsfordscott with a lovely @rowantreetravel group. Lots and lots of inspiring textile visits and tours lined up🤗
First stop tomorrow is Galashiels for the @tangledgalashiels fibre festival🧶 and @greattapestryscotland 🪡

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One’s a lovely rich 4ply skein dyed by @casserlyalison and t’other is heavy laceweight hand spun wool and silk by spinner ‘OB’ which I bought at @handspinnerskye last year. 
And the bag? A joyful hand stitched make by @bizzilizzikelso - just the right size for this project🤗
More prep for Threads Textile Festival @sunnybankmills 
A board full of samples and descriptions so that you know what’s packed in each kit. Well, some of them - I don’t have space for them all😁
A little hedgerow colour to cheer another soggy day (compounded by a trip to the dentist)
Find me at Sunny Bank Mills on sunny Sunday 9th June! 
I will be in awesome vendor company in the Textile Market at Threads Festival🤗
Blue is the colour of contentment at Tart HQ
Boro boxes in production today, featuring fabrics from India, Japan, Ghana, China, The Gambia, South Africa and even the UK!


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