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Birdsong Case Kit

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Case kit
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Our price: £18.00Sale price: £10.00

Enjoy a little gentle stitching and create your own unique glasses or mobile case featuring a line of birds on a twig.

I printed the design block on dark blue linen and have partnered it with six different bright shades of embroidery thread so that you can have fun stitching in any way that pleases you. Fill in the birds or outline them or just stitch into the background. Add musical notes or flowers and buds, perhaps. The design is placed so that you can choose whether to have your birds lengthwise as shown or wrapped around from front to back of the case.

The kit contains:

printed blue linen

cotton or bamboo wadding

patterned blue cotton lining

six metres of embroidery thread and a needle

full sized template to cut out

guidance to make a glasses or phone case

simples stitches guide

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A restful image of my new acquisition from @sutherlandceramics with delicate fading irises. 
If you find yourself at Traquair House be sure to visit the makers in their bothies, just down from the tearoom. Rob’s ceramics are understated and hand built, not thrown.
🧵🪡🌞☕️ 🪡🧵
Delighted to be vending in the 1912 Mill at Sunny Bank Mills tomorrow! A quality line up of makers and so much else to visit and view within the mill complex. A warm and welcoming atmosphere awaits you and, most importantly, good coffee🤗
🪡Deep concentration during a gentle stitching workshop this morning at Abbotsford House with my merry band of travellers. 
Couldn’t ask for a better setting than the Scottish Borders in which to relax and soak up new textile experiences.
The only calm space in my workroom is the windowsill. 
I am packed and ready to lead a week at @abbotsfordscott with a lovely @rowantreetravel group. Lots and lots of inspiring textile visits and tours lined up🤗
First stop tomorrow is Galashiels for the @tangledgalashiels fibre festival🧶 and @greattapestryscotland 🪡

A wee cast-on ready for the simplest ever cowl knitting. The yarns, held together, will do all the talking. 
One’s a lovely rich 4ply skein dyed by @casserlyalison and t’other is heavy laceweight hand spun wool and silk by spinner ‘OB’ which I bought at @handspinnerskye last year. 
And the bag? A joyful hand stitched make by @bizzilizzikelso - just the right size for this project🤗
More prep for Threads Textile Festival @sunnybankmills 
A board full of samples and descriptions so that you know what’s packed in each kit. Well, some of them - I don’t have space for them all😁
A little hedgerow colour to cheer another soggy day (compounded by a trip to the dentist)


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