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Boro Boxes

Boro Boxes
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Boro BoxesBoro BoxesBoro BoxesBoro BoxesBoro BoxesBoro BoxesBoro BoxesBoro Boxes
Our price: £19.00
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The Boro Box

Contemporary boro

Boroboroぼろぼろ is Japanese for rags. It is now often used to refer to the patched and repaired hemp clothing and household linens of poor rural workers of the 19th and early 20th century. Families mended through necessity, salvaging and patching fabrics continually to prolong their usefulness. Original boro pieces are highly prized today.

These boxes contain everything you need to start stitching a contemporary boro-style piece, either in traditional blues or contemporary reds. I stress that these are my take on boro, not an attempt to mimic the unique style of the original pieces.

In the blue version you will find at least 20 different fabrics - some old, some new, most cotton, maybe a little linen or fine woollen suiting but certainly from many countries where indigo blues are favoured.

In the red version also 20+ fabrics - some old, some new, most cotton and these pieces come from India, Africa, Asia and Europe

There is also a backing cloth in cotton to stitch into or for use as a lining, a skein of embroidery thread and a needle. You can add fabric scraps and threads from your stash - even tiny scraps can find a new purpose. The backing fabric allows for an approximate 20cm square to be stitched but there is more fabric in the box than you will need for this. Keep your stitches small for maximum effect. I’ve included a simple guide to get you started.

It is all about slowing down and exploring a ‘no rules’ approach to relaxed and simple stitching. Regardless of whether you have never used a needle and thread before or are an accomplished embroiderer, you can enjoy arranging and stitching these pieces. Take your time and enjoy the process.

For fun I have introduced a tartan version. It’s a little different from the other two boxes but the principle is the same. Each box contains at least 15 pieces of lighter weight tartan salvaged from Scottish mills. Not all are wool; some are a blend of polyester and viscose but they all feel pleasant to the touch and work well together. A 25cm square of 100% natural fibre wadding to use as a backcloth, a mix of appropriate embroidery thread shades and a needle are in the box too.

Precise fabric contents vary from box to box and batch to batch

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Your reviews

Boro Beginner*****Posted by FRAN R on June 8 2023 at 13:49What a delight to receive the Boro box by return. It was so well displayed and exciting to open. I thought the selection of fabrics was good and everything was to hand to start immediately. I had planned to do a triangle bag but decided to get the hang of it first on a small scale with some aperture cards I had. It is really difficult to get the stitching even so my mistakes have been beaded over. I sent for a book by Susan Briscoe from Amazon to see more about Boro. I'll send you some pics when I've got a bit further.
Response from The Border Tart:Thank you Fran! I am delighted you are exploring possibilities boro style. It's a little addictive...!
Customer rating:*****


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