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Fat Quarter 2-Packs
Packs of two fat quarters for your stitching pleasure.
There may be Indian block prints, from Gujarat and Rajasthan, and khadi (handspun and handwoven) stripes and solids from Karnataka as well as screenprint designs in a block print style.
All fabrics are cotton and vary from medium to lightweight. Fabric widths also vary - different weavers weave different sizes. All fabrics should be at least 50cm in one dimension but will vary in the other.
BLUE FLORAL - two FQs - repeat patterns of a tree and a flower sprig on white lightweight cotton
BLUE FLORAL ll - two FQs - resist patterns on indigo grounds, one a repeat of a seed head and stem, the other an abstract leaf design
BLUEBIRDS and FLORAL - two FQs - a light bright overall blockprint of flowers teamed with those delicate hummingbird types on a white ground
BOLD REDS - two FQs - two contrasting block print patterns in strong reds on white lightweight cotton - a jolly floral and a simple stripe
BOXES and BROAD STRIPES - two FQs - two indigo designs in lightweight cotton
CURIOUS BIRDS II - two FQs - two indigo block prints, one featuring ghostly birds in flight and the other a white resist maple leaf design on a solid dark ground
ELEPHANTS - two FQs - rows of little pale pink elephants on a strong pink ground and a bigger pattern of elephants large and small on an indigo ground
FLOWER MOTIF - two FQs - two colourways of the same single repeating flower motif, pinky purple and soft green
FLOWERS and HEXIES - two FQs - a simple repeating black outline flower print on a madder red ground, and contrasting hexagon design in similar shades
GREEN and BLUE LEAVES - two FQs - a bold dark green trailing leaf on paler green ground, and an abstract leaf and berries white resist on a turquoise ground
HEXAGON PAIR - two FQs - two lightweight cottons with six sided motifs. These resist prints have a pleasing subtelty and work well with natural coloured linens and vintage cottons
INDIGO & RED - two FQs - a traditional floral block on madder red teamed with a smaller red/brown motif on indigo
SPOTS and STRIPES - two FQs - two indigo resist block prints, one featuring bold white spots on a subtle floral ground and the other two tone stripes on dark indigo
RED FLORALS - two FQs - a bold red and white seed pod and leaves print and a traditional floral block on madder red
RED FLORALS ll- two FQs - two overall patterns: red and grey on a white ground, and white with indigo outlining on a deep red ground
RED FLORALS lll - two FQs - two overall patterns: red and grey on a white ground, and a traditional floral block on madder red
RED MOTIFS - two FQs - tiny white on red, and bold red on white!
These are fabric packs. They don’t contain instructions.
A pack is posted in a slim, letterbox-friendly box or bag if purchased on its own.
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