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Fabrics, threads, stitchery packs and kits | Packs and kits

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Birdsong Case KitBirdsong Case KitOur price: £18.00Sale price: £10.00ViewEnjoy a little gentle stitching and create your own unique glasses or mobile case featuring a line of birds on a twig.Blooming MarvelsBlooming MarvelsOur price: £12.00ViewBack in stock!Blue Moon Stitching PackBlue Moon Stitching PackOur price: £18.00Sale price: £10.00ViewEverything you need to embellish this indigo dip-dyed cotton drawstring bag with fabric and stitch is included in the pack.Boro BoxesBoro BoxesOur price: From £19.00ViewThe Boro Box
Eco-Print Needlecase KitEco-Print Needlecase KitOur price: £24.00ViewA very limited edition of kits featuring an eco-printed cotton fabric by a local artist-maker.Elephant ExtravaganzaElephant ExtravaganzaOur price: £20.00ViewWelcome to my lush elephant-themed boxes! Available in two colourways, each pack contains a generous mix of textiles to spark your stitching creativity.Fat Quarter 2-PacksFat Quarter 2-PacksOur price: £8.00ViewPacks of two fat quarters for your stitching pleasure.Handwoven Stole PackHandwoven Stole PackOur price: £21.00ViewI was delighted to source these handwoven fringed cotton stoles from Karnataka in southern India. They are just asking to be embellished with a stitch or two. The texture of the fine cotton warp yarn shows up so well in the main section when crossed with the indigo dyed weft and it is a joy to stitch into.
Harris Tweed PairsHarris Tweed PairsOur price: £15.00ViewThe real thing - Harris Tweed woven in the Outer Hebrides and selected by the Tart on her trips to Lewis and Harris.Hearts and BluebirdsHearts and BluebirdsOur price: £12.00ViewEnjoy a little gentle stitching to make jolly brooches, tiny pockets, lavender bags, patches for your clothes or cushions.Indian Block Print HangingIndian Block Print HangingOur price: £23.00ViewIndian Block Print Hanging KitLittle World Cottons packsLittle World Cottons packsOur price: £7.50ViewPacks of twelve cottons for you to experiment with. Make a patchwork cushion or bag, or lots of tiny pockets to wrap little gifts in. Add them to your boro-style stitching, collage or other creative textile work. 
Mild AnimalsMild AnimalsOur price: £23.00Sale price: £18.00ViewMild Animals are a collection of small cushions worked in my hand dyed vintage blanket fabric. An addition to the sofa, or a little pal to cuddle perhaps.Peacock PouchPeacock PouchOur price: £18.00ViewEmbellish this block printed peacock with your hand stitching and create a perfect padded pouch for prize possessions!Simple Stitches Hoop kitSimple Stitches Hoop kitOur price: £18.00Sale price: £10.00ViewOriginally I created the design as a sampler for my Simple Stitches guide. I have made up this kit so you too can enjoy working these stitches to create a quiet seascape.Stitch StoryStitch StoryOur price: £16.00View 
Tissue Paper for pattern transfersTissue Paper for pattern transfersOur price: £3.00View5 large sheets of fine white tissue paper.Wildflower PanelWildflower PanelOur price: £18.00ViewStitch up your own colourful meadow with this pack which contains all the materials you need.Wool/silk setsWool/silk setsOur price: £9.00ViewFour different collections of soft smooth plied thread which works well on cotton and linen, and beautifully on wool. I have dyed these sets to offer you lots of variation. As well as three acid-dyed sets there is a gradient set of indigo threads to enjoy. The slight shade variations in these provide further interest in your stitching.
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🪡Deep concentration during a gentle stitching workshop this morning at Abbotsford House with my merry band of travellers. 
Couldn’t ask for a better setting than the Scottish Borders in which to relax and soak up new textile experiences.
The only calm space in my workroom is the windowsill. 
I am packed and ready to lead a week at @abbotsfordscott with a lovely @rowantreetravel group. Lots and lots of inspiring textile visits and tours lined up🤗
First stop tomorrow is Galashiels for the @tangledgalashiels fibre festival🧶 and @greattapestryscotland 🪡

A wee cast-on ready for the simplest ever cowl knitting. The yarns, held together, will do all the talking. 
One’s a lovely rich 4ply skein dyed by @casserlyalison and t’other is heavy laceweight hand spun wool and silk by spinner ‘OB’ which I bought at @handspinnerskye last year. 
And the bag? A joyful hand stitched make by @bizzilizzikelso - just the right size for this project🤗
More prep for Threads Textile Festival @sunnybankmills 
A board full of samples and descriptions so that you know what’s packed in each kit. Well, some of them - I don’t have space for them all😁
A little hedgerow colour to cheer another soggy day (compounded by a trip to the dentist)
Find me at Sunny Bank Mills on sunny Sunday 9th June! 
I will be in awesome vendor company in the Textile Market at Threads Festival🤗
Blue is the colour of contentment at Tart HQ
Boro boxes in production today, featuring fabrics from India, Japan, Ghana, China, The Gambia, South Africa and even the UK!


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