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Falling leaves, slowing down
We are all just creatures, all of this planet, and only nominally in control of our bodies at any time. And if we are also all stardust, why do we expect so much of ourselves and of others? Isn’t it a feat that we can tie our own shoelaces, let alone use mobile phones and TV remotes? Why do we push onwards, feel guilty about extra coffee breaks or not ticking adequate numbers of things off lists? Where are we trying to get to?
I definitely feel like I want to take more time to just be. It seems to be the arrival of this specific autumn that has pushed me further along the path. I am soaking up the unfolding beauty of my local landscape, the myriad little stripey-shelled snails shuffling about on the newly wet road this morning, the particular combination of deep reds and golds on a single turning bramble leaf, bright green crab apples resisting the onset of rosier shades. There’s so much to wonder at, and it is all happening around me, and everywhere else, constantly.
More time to stop and stare is definitely called for. Or possibly stop, stare and stitch.
I have to give myself permission to do this ‘just being’ thing. No-one is holding me to account so why is it so difficult? I’d have no hesitation in advising others to make a habit of taking qualm-free time out.
I will have to practise.
I will start in November.