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Workshops are such a good way of learning and experimenting in a relaxed environment and with like minds. It's my mission to have as few rules in my classes as there are in my stitching kits. I love enabling unconfident or new stitchers to overcome their trepidation and relax into the flow of forming their designs.

At present I am only running private workshops for groups.

If you would like me to visit your organisation or group to run a stitching workshop, or to do so online, please get in touch by email or phone.

Sorry, there are no events to show.


New bundles are in the shop now! 
Each is a one-off collection of hand dyed/stitched-by-Tart pieces plus other goodness.
Grab them while you can😉

You’ll find them on the ‘Handmade’ shelf in the shop.
Link in bio⬆️

PS wee delay in posting - no mailing until Thursday 25th
I was going to tell you about the new ‘bundles’ in the shop but most of them were snapped up by my newsletter subscribers🤗
I have the final nine under construction and I’ll tell you when I list ‘em!
Need to know what this is about? Look under ‘Handmade’ in the shop ➡️ link in bio 😘
Just a taster
Visited the stunning kimono exhibition at @vadundee  today - more pics to follow…
Indigo treasures in tomorrow’s news
If you’d like to be the first to hear about what’s new in the Tart’s world, subscribe to my twice-monthly newsletter. Link in bio🧵
(with Snacks for Sustenance)
🍃Wednesday (not a) windowsill
Matching pretty DMC naturally dyed shades to these random blooms from the weedy garden.
Birds and blooms to brighten a rainy afternoon.
Simple slow stitching and a podcast/music/audiobook can work wonders on your mood🪡

Tinbirds, Blooming Marvels and Hearts & Bluebirds kits are all in stock🤗


Fancy my regular newsletter in your mailbox? Just sign up here for news, early bird offers and other subscriber bonuses.
