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Delivery information
Prices: UK
- Goods up to £15 - £3.00
- Goods £15 - £150 - £5.00
Prices: Worldwide
- Goods up to £25 - £12.00
- Goods £25 - £150 - £20.00
Deliveries to the EU
As the UK has left the European Union all EU orders may be held at customs and tariffs applied. The Border Tart cannot be held responsible for any additional costs incurred
Packaging and the environment
The Border Tart seeks to minimise single-use plastic and encourages you to reuse packaging where possible or recycle it.
Mailing bags are manufactured in the UK, often reusable and 100% recyclable.
Cardboard boxes used for packs/kits/mailing are reusable or recyclable.
Cellophane bags are being phased out and replaced with biodegradable PLA bags or paper equivalents.
Bubble wrap and other protective wrappings are reused.
Adhesive packaging tape is mainly paper based.