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Indian Block Print Hanging
Indian Block Print Hanging Kit
These little hangings are known as pantorans. Essentially they are smaller versions of the familiar torans which hang across windows and doors to welcome guests to Indian homes. Toran is the name for a sacred gateway in Buddhist architecture.
Inspired by the pantorans stitched in Gujarat, this kit contains block print and khadi cottons in blues, greens, purples and pinks. There is ample to make one double-sided hanging or two hangings if you use some scraps of fabric from your own stash for the backs.
This kit uses the idea as a starting point only. Be as creative as you like with the enclosed fabrics. Make different shapes, make a string of tiny kites or circles, add more fabrics in different shades. No rules :)
All kits contain a selection of Indian fabrics, a needle, embroidery threads, calico, two bamboo hangers, beads and sequins, and guidance.
Finished size approx 21cm wide x 22cm high (excluding tassels!)
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