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Elephant Extravaganza
Welcome to my lush elephant-themed boxes!
Available in two colourways, each pack contains a generous mix of textiles to spark your stitching creativity.
The Jungle version has a main fabric with warm grey background plus lots of rich green and blue patterned fabric pieces.
The Desert version has a main fabric with rich terracotta ground plus lots of deep red, orange and yellow patterned pieces.
Heavyweight cotton features bold elephants amongst florals and birds. The design surely lends itself to embellishment with simple stitches, but for added inspiration there are colour-themed accompanying fabrics and embroidery threads. I’ve stitched a cushion cover with an embroidered section of elephant fabric and a patchwork of the rich patterns you’ll find in your box, but you can of course use the fabrics in any way you choose.
Stitch a wraparound book cover or two, or a panel on a tote bag, recover a drop-in chair seat, sew up a knitting needle roll or a project bag, or make a panel to hang on the wall.
There are two templates to trace too so you could use the smaller fabric pieces to make little elephants to adorn items like a needlebook, pincushion, lavender bag or purses. Add scraps and trims of your own, add sequins for eyes, add tassels... have fun!
Each pack contains:
a fat quarter of furnishing weight cotton fabric
8 fabrics (four approx 14cm x 28cm sand four smaller) such as vintage and modern batiks, ikats, block prints, khadi and solid shades in cottons and silks - these vary from pack to pack but all fit with the colour themes
block print elephant on natural linen
silk sari strips, 14m embroidery threads, tin Thai elephant and a few beads/bells
a suggestions sheet with elephant templates
These are packs, not kits, so contain no specific instructions.